Monday, April 19, 2010


Flowers from a friend make the world a nicer place.

Organized Momma

There's a baby coming. In 'exactly' 14 weeks. I'm feeling the pressure to get our lives and home organized in anticipation of the transition and change this little one will bring into our lives. In general it is our kitchen that vexes me the most. The way it is 'organized' (what's in the cupboards... probably more things than we actually need) but also what's on our meal plan (plan... that's funny). As a full time working mom I find the meals the hardest part of my days. Deciding what to make, making sure it's healthy, doing the groceries, cleaning up, making dinner at the end of a long day while trying to make sure Ian stays away from the knives etc.  I know that meal planning makes life much, much easier. I've had a few moments in the past where I've organized myself enough to plan our meals for a few weeks or so and I know how much of a difference it makes. Sooo in these next few weeks my sole mission (other than staying healthy and well rested) is Spring cleaning and de-cluttering our kitchen and creating a few weeks worth of meal plans of healthy and quick meals that I can make for my family over the next little while (assuming baby in the sling and Ian beside me on a chair 'helping mommy'). Any meal ideas you feel like sharing?

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