Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Change # 22 - No more Saran Wrap

Recently we ran out of Saran Wrap and I never bothered to replenish our stock. I've been using tupperware, bowls with plates for lids and tea towels instead. So far, so good. I recently went to a BBQ and instead of covering my salad bowl with Saran Wrap I used a clean tea towel and some elastics. It worked wonders. I've been trying to bring my lunch to work to save money for an upcoming trip to NY (Woo HOO!). Instead of wrapping things in baggies and saran wrap I've been using tupperware and clean tea towels (I have these tea towels that are too big to be a dish cloth and too small to be a regular tea towel so I use them as cloth napkins). Easy schmeezie.
The only person who might miss seeing me using Saran Wrap is Derek. Ha ha.

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